How Do Air Plants Reproduce

Posted on October 15, 2014 by Les Stein

A New Air Plant in The Hand Small Air Plant Pup

After flowering, most air plants start the reproduction cycle by producing “pups”, which typically start growing around the base of the air plant. When the "pups" grow to about 1/2 size of the parent, you have 2 cool options:

1) remove the "pup" and let your new plant grow, flower and reproduce again

2) leave the "pup" attached, and you'll soon have a beautiful cluster growing, which will continue to flower and produce new "pups"

It's very enjoyable to watch the growing cycle. Each specie of air plant reproduces somewhat differently. if you have kids, this is very educational and fun to watch. PLUS... you are purifying the air you breath. Air plants are one of the best natural air cleaners of all plant species.

Posted in Air Plants, airplant, airplantbowles, airplantcare, airplantdesign, airplantframes, airplantgifts, airplantlove, airplantpups, airplantreproduction, airplants, airplantsforsale, airplantterrarium, airplantterrariums, airplanttips, airplantvessels, airplantwebshop, creativewithairplants, Cypress Sphere, designcollection, Driftwood, exoticwood, floatingairplantframes, Fragrant, hangingterrariums, How to Care for your Air Plant, misters, Plantstr, seashells, seaurchins, Succulents, terrariumkits, terrariums, tillandsia, tillandsia tillandsias, tillandsiasforsale, treasuresofthesea, woodairplantframes, zen, zencollection

